MATLAB: Is the output from DBSTACK different in MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) and MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a)


When upgrading from MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) to MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a) I have detected a change in the output from the function DBSTACK.
The output from DBSTACK is different between the releases when I use EVALIN to evaluate a function from its caller function. I can find no information about this in the documentation or release nortes.
The two attached files show this behavior.
When executing [a,b] = dbstackTest MATLAB 7.5, a is returned as a 4×1 struct array with fields 'file', 'name' and 'line' and b is 1. The struct array a has the elements
>> a(1)
ans =
file: 'dbstackWrapper.m'
name: 'dbstackWrapper'
line: 3
>> a(2)
ans =
file: 'dbstackTest.m'
name: 'dbstackTest'
line: 3
>> a(3)
ans =
file: 'dbstackTest.m'
name: 'dbstackSub'
line: 10
>> a(4)
ans =
file: 'dbstackTest.m'
name: 'dbstackTest'
line: 3
For the same function evaluated in MATLAB 7.8, a is returned as a 3×1 struct and b is 1. Now the struct array a has the elements
>> a(1)
ans =
file: 'dbstackWrapper.m'
name: 'dbstackWrapper'
line: 3
>> a(2)
ans =
file: 'dbstackTest.m'
name: 'dbstackSub'
line: 10
>> a(3)
ans =
file: 'dbstackTest.m'
name: 'dbstackTest'
line: 3
Thus, the output in 7.5 has one more element in the array.

Best Answer

This is due to a change in the interpretation of EVALIN calls in DBSTACK between MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) and MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a).
In MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a), the same result is achieved when the EVALIN call in dbstackSub,
[a,b] = evalin('caller', 'dbstackWrapper');
is replaced with a direct call,
[a,b] = dbstackWrapper;
In MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b), the DBSTACK output includes the function which EVALIN is evaluated in, in MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a) it does not.