MATLAB: Is the help documentation empty for some of the blocks in the Embedded Target for TI C6000 DSP 1.0 (R13) library

c6000c6701switchdipdocevmhelplinkmeasurementrtdxTarget Support Package TC2ti

When I click on the Help button in the dialog box for the following blocks, the MATLAB help browser opens up, but does not contain any information about the blocks:
RTDX Measurements library:
C6701 EVM Board Support library:

Best Answer

Our documentation staff will correct this error in a future release of the Embedded Target for TI C6000 DSP
Use the following steps to fix this error:
1) Right-click on the block and select Link Options -> Disable Link from the context menu.
2) Right-click and select Edit Mask.
3) Click on the Documentation tab of the Mask Editor.
4) Under the Mask Help edit box, type the following command:
Note that this command is used for all of the blocks.
5) Click OK on the Mask Editor
6) Right-click on the block and select Link Options -> Restore Link. This will bring up a dialog box asking if you would like to use the current library block or to update the library with the new block. Click the Update Library button.
7) The library of these blocks will now open. Select File -> Save from the library model file to save the changes to the library.