MATLAB: Is there any information on how to use High-Speed RTDX with the Embedded Target for TI C6000 1.1 (R13SP1)

c6000c6711documentationhighhigh speedrtdxspeedTarget Support Package TC2ti

I am trying to use high-speed RTDX with the TI C6711 chip and except for a couple of lines in the release notes and a single demo, I can not find any information on this. Do you have any more information?

Best Answer

To use High-Speed RTDX with our products:
- Use an XDS560 class emulator to connect the DSK to the PC.
- Turn on the checkbox labeled "Use High-Speed RTDX" in RTW Options.
Otherwise, the user interface and behavior are identical except for the throughput.
Note that there is a bug in Embedded Target for TI C6000 1.1 (R13SP1), causing HSRTDX not to get turned on properly. This bug will be fixed in a future release of the Embedded Target for TI C6000.
To work around this bug:
- Always have a From RTDX block in the model; don't use the To RTDX block by itself. If you never enable the host-to-target channel, this will not hurt anything.
- Turn on the RTW Options checkbox after putting the RTDX blocks in your model. If your model already has RTDX blocks, go and turn the checkbox off and on again.
- To verify that HSRTDX is being linked in properly, have CCS generate a memory map file (via linker options) and check to see whether the rtdx utilities are drawn from rtdx.lib or rtdxhs.lib.