MATLAB: Is the custom board TMS320LF2407 based on TIC2000series supported in Embedded Targets for TIC2000 DSP 2.0 (R2006a)

200024xmapmemoryseriesTarget Support Package TC2tic

The documentation for Embedded Targets for TIC2000 DSP states that the TMS320LF2407 eZdsp DSK starter kit is supported. However, it does not specify if a custom board based on L2407 series is supported or not.

Best Answer

Support for the TMS320LF2407 was discontinued in Target for TI C2000 2.3 (R2007b). If you are using a previous version, you have to specify how much external memory is present on the custom board. You can specify this using a custom “linker command file”.
The steps to specify this file are:
1. Open the LF2407 eZdsp target preference block.
2. In the DSPTGTPKG Target Preferences Setup go to BuildOptions->LinkerCMDFile.
3. Select “custom file” and specify the name of the custom command file in “linkerCmdFileName”.
Note that the "linker command file" is specific to the custom board and is not shipped with the Embedded Targets for TIC2000 DSP 2.0 (R2006a).