MATLAB: Is the character displayed incorrectly in the text for a figure window on the Mac for MATLAB 6.5 (R13)


Why is my character displayed incorrectly in the text for a figure window on the Mac for MATLAB 6.5 (R13)?
When I type the following at the MATLAB command prompt in MATLAB 6.5(R13) on a Mac:
the "degree" symbol is output.
However, if I try to display the "degree" symbol in the text of a figure window, I see an 'i' symbol instead of the "degree" symbol:
figure; text(0.5,0.5,char(161));

Best Answer

Please note that, as often as possible, you should try to avoid using actual numbers to display special symbols in a figure, because different fonts assign numbers differently.
You can use the '\circ' option in text objects to display the degree symbol.
Alternatively, you can set the FontName property of the text object to a font which contains the desired character.