MATLAB: Is the ability to use ADDPATH in the deployed application available in MATLAB Compiler 4.11 (R2009b)

m-lintMATLAB Compilermlint

I am writing an application that utilizes the ADDPATH function, thus adding a directory to the MATLAB search path. When I run this application in MATLAB, it responds consistently. However, when I compile this application, the compiled version does not seem to recognize that the path has been added.

Best Answer

In general, a compiled application should avoid MATLAB commands that directly access or modify MATLAB's internal paths, i.e. the MATLAB path and the MATLAB Java class path. These functions are: ADDPATH, CD, JAVAADDPATH, JAVACLASSPATH, JAVARMPATH, PATH, RMPATH, SAVEPATH.
To learn more about Path Management in Deployed Applications, please refer to the following article: