MATLAB: Modify the function addpath


how to modify the function addpath (), if before the compiled function can work, but once compiled addpath function () can not work
my code 1
inputdata % gui_files
my code 2
[x,y]=function1(a,b) % function_file

[c,d]=function2(x,y) % function_file
my code 3
system('nameexecutable.exe') % executable_file

Best Answer

Since the MATLAB Compiler adds the functions1 and function2 to the ctf achieve with the folder structure like in MATLAB you don’t need an addpath in the deployed application. This is because in the deployed application the added folders are automatically added to the MATLAB path.
If your GUI files are normal m-files you don’t need an addpath. When you have created the GUI through using GUIDE you have to add the .fig as shared resources.