MATLAB: Is native Macintosh/AMD/OpenCL support available


We are starting to plan some hardware purchases. We are primarily a Macintosh shop (a lot of the microscopy folks are used to Macs from back in the day) and the iMac Pro and soon-to-be-released Mac Pro look fairly powerful.
However, it seems all Macs use AMD graphics and I have found references that Matlab requires third-party tools (?hacks?) to exploit the GPU's. Is that still the case? Thanks

Best Answer

MATLAB only supports nVidia GPUs and CUDA for GPU calculations through the Parallel Computing Toolbox. The list of supported GPU families can be found here
With Mojave (Mac OSX 10.14), nVidia CUDA drivers are no longer functional. See this Answer. Since the new Mac Pro will only support Mojave, and the iMac Pro only has AMD graphics, these will not be usable by the Parallel Computing Toolbox for GPU computations.