MATLAB: Are AMD graphics cards supported for GPU computation with the Parallel Computing Toolbox 5.2 (R2011b)

amdcudagpumac cudaParallel Computing Toolbox

I would like to make use of GPU computation on my graphics card with the Parallel Computing Toolbox 5.2 (R2011b).
However, since I have an Apple computer, I do not have NVIDIA graphics hardware, and does not support the CUDA framework.
Does the Parallel Computing Toolbox support the OpenCL framework?

Best Answer

This functionality is not available in the Parallel Computing Toolbox 5.2 (R2011b). As of R2011b, the only supported GPUs are NVIDIA CUDA enabled GPUs with a compute capability 1.3 or higher. Please refer to:
An enhancement request has been submitted for consideration of future support.
As of R2013b, we do not support AMD GPU Devices.