MATLAB: Is MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) unable to change the file extension for figures in the “save” dialog box to the extension of the file opened


If I open a FIG-file and use the "Save As" option in the File Menu to make it a JPEG, then open another FIG-file and then use the "Save" option; the extension in the drop down menu is still '.jpg'. I expected it to be '.fig'.

Best Answer

We have verified that there is a bug in MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) in the way that the "Save" and "Save As" drop down menus handle changing file extensions. To work around this issue, either manually change the dropdown menu to the file format you want, or use the Command line to save figures in FIG-file format using HGSAVE, and in other formats using PRINT.
For more information on HGSAVE type the following command at the MATLAB Command prompt:
doc hgsave
For more information on PRINT type the following command at the MATLAB Command prompt:
doc print