MATLAB: Save file with different extension


I am a newbie and am opening some files, adding some lines, then saving the files. I can't figure out how to save each file I open with a new extension while keeping the filename the same.
Here is how I am opening the files:
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.*','Select File to Plot',DefaultFile); %choose file to open.
%%%%**************** Read the File *************
To save the file do I use the following fopen and if so what do I put where the question marks are?
fileID = fopen(??????,'w');

Best Answer

You have another fopen() to open an output file. Your question marks should be replaced by the full file name of your output file. You can use sprintf() (if needed) and fullfile() to create that output file name. Then use fprintf to write text to it. Then call fclose() to close the two files.