MATLAB: Is it possible to use Webmap from Mapping Toolbox without internet connection

Mapping Toolbox

I am currently using the function "webmap" to create a map, and then plot data over this map. The program I am developing will ultimately be used without any sort of internet connection, but unfortunately Web Maps require an active connection.
How can I do this offline? Is there a way to download the map beforehand?

Best Answer

It is possible to achieve a similar mapping functionality offline, plotting both the map and any additional data in a slightly different manner. Below I will demonstrate the new workflow for gathering and plotting map data, so that your program can run without internet.
The key step here, will be that instead of using a Web Map, you will be plotting downloaded map data using the function “geoshow”. Within MATLAB, you can download such map data using the function “wmsread” (with an internet connection), and then save this data to a MAT-file. Below is a link which has 6 steps to plotting a map using “geoshow”:
Steps 1-5 from the workflow summary should be done with an internet connection, either on a separate computer, or before the internet is disconnected. Then you can save the map data (in the example: “elevationImage” and “R”) to a MAT-file. From this point on, internet will no longer be needed so long as you have all of the map data needed for any panning or zoom operations. Therefore, you could then plot your map data without an internet connection using the method shown in Step 6 of the document with the “geoshow” function.
If you would like to annotate your map with additional data, you can use the “geoshow” function or the “plotm” function. I have included links to these two functions just below:
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