MATLAB: How to overlay vector and raster data on “geoaxes” in the MATLAB R2020b

geoaxesMapping Toolboxrasterwmsread

I have used the “wmsread” function to obtain two outputs [A, R]. How do I plot these outputs on “geoaxes”?

Best Answer

MATLAB offers “geoplot” and “geoscatter” commands for plotting lines and points on “geoaxes” with a set of coordinates (vector data).
The results of “wmsread” are an image (A) and georeference raster reference object (R) (raster data). Plotting raster data and a reference on “geoaxes” is not supported as of MATLAB R2020b . Instead, “geoshow” can be used to plot the image and reference on regular axes. The “geoshow” function supports changing map projects much the same way “geoaxes” does.
The documentation for geoshow is as follows: