MATLAB: Is it possible to mention in the documentation the requirements for a Subsystem to appear correctly in the Simulink Library Browser


I am looking for something in the documentation that states that certain Mask properties for a subsystem needs to be defined in order for it to appear correctly in the Simulink Library Browser.
When I created a Masked Subsystem, dragged it into a library and saved the library, my subsystem appears as if it were a library in the Library Browser and displays its contents on the right pane. However, when I added some text to the "Mask description" or defined a dummy Mask Parameter for the Subsystem, my Subsystem appeared correctly as a block in the library.

Best Answer

In order for a Subsystem to appear correctly in the Library Browser, certain Mask Parameters, such as the Mask Description, has to be defined so that double-clicking on the subsystem displays the Mask dialog window instead of its contents.