MATLAB: Is colormap only applied to the last subplot


Hello. I made a custom (circular) colormap for phase angles. However, in the loop, only the last subplot takes the change. What is the issue in this code? Thanks!
for i = 1:5
subplot(2, 5, i);
topoplot(double(squeeze(pophmat(timeidx, i, :, 1))), EEG.chanlocs, ...
'style', 'map', 'electrodes', 'off');
title(['Pwr: ' num2str(frequencies(i)) 'Hz, 180ms']);
subplot(2, 5, i+5);
topoplot(double(squeeze(pophmat(timeidx, i, :, 2))), EEG.chanlocs, ...
'style', 'map', 'electrodes', 'off');
title(['Phs: ' num2str(frequencies(i)) 'Hz, 180ms']);
colormap(gca, circular_jet); % Applying the custom colormap to the current subplot

Best Answer

I debugged my own code and realized that the issue is with the topoplot function. After applying the colormap, when it goes to plot the next one with topoplot, it reverses all the previous changes in colormaps because apparently topoplot implicitly applies its own colormap to the whole figure. Therefore only the last subplot avoids the reset.
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