MATLAB: Is calling train with 20 epochs of learning the same as 20 calls to train with 1 epoch of learning

neural network

Hi there.
I've been exploring the train function and I'm a little unsure of how it's operating.
From my understanding, setting net.trainParam.epochs=20 should produce the same network as 20 calls to train with net.trainParam.epochs=1, using the updated network each time. But, when I do this I get very different results. The network produced using net.trainParam.epochs=20 performs much better than the network produced by making 20 calls to train with net.trainParam.epochs=1. Is something special happening in train with multiple learning epochs?
— Jeff

Best Answer

Every time train is called it starts with new values for training parameters like mu, etc. Therefore, if there was someway to specify initial learning parameters, the final values could be extracted and used as initial values for the next call.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer.