MATLAB: Default number of epochs

neural networks

Is it true that the default number of epochs in
[net, tr] = train(net,trainV,trainT)
is 1000?
When looking at help information on other training functions like trainlm it shows that default values of its training parameters are:
net.trainParam.epochs 100 Maximum number of epochs to train
Who can give a clear answer on this question. Thanks in advance, Ton S.

Best Answer

In the good ol' days it used to be 100. Now it seems to be 1000.
The info in the documentation of trainlm, trainscg and probably others, needs to be updated.
clear all, clc,
x = randn(1,100);
t = x.^2;
net = newff(x,t,10);
trainfunc = net.trainFcn % trainlm

numepochs = net.trainParam.epochs % 1000

net = newfit(x,t,10);
trainfunc = net.trainFcn % trainlm
numepochs = net.trainParam.epochs % 1000
net = newpr(x,t,10);
trainfunc = net.trainFcn % trainscg

numepochs = net.trainParam.epochs % 1000
net = fitnet(10);
trainfunc = net.trainFcn % trainlm
numepochs = net.trainParam.epochs % 1000
net = patternnet(10);
trainfunc = net.trainFcn % trainscg
numepochs = net.trainParam.epochs % 1000
net = feedforwardnet(10);
trainfunc = net.trainFcn % trainlm
numepochs = net.trainParam.epochs % 1000
Hope this helps.
Thank you for officially accepting my answer.