MATLAB: Is a MathWorks Account required when using the Shibboleth based Identity Management workflow


I have recently configured my MATLAB Campus-Wide License portal with my Identity Management System. I understand that the association to the license is happening through Shibboleth, but why should I create a MathWorks account during this association?

Best Answer

MathWorks requires a MathWorks Account in order to link the information gathered through the Shibboleth association workflow with our licensing system.
What does the Shibboleth workflow do:
- MathWorks can identify if the user is allowed to associate with your license through the eduPersonScopedAffiliation.
- Assist with the creation of a MathWorks Account by gathering attributes (mail, sn, givenName).
This MathWorks account is required to:
- Install and activate using the sign in installation method
- Access the license and manage the licenses on this account
- Sign In to MATLAB Online