MATLAB: Inverse Dynamics is SimMechanics

inverse dynamicsMATLABSimscape Multibodysimulink

I am trying to create a SimMechanics model that will represent the human body. Currently I have a working model for an arm and leg, but it uses forward dynamics. I am pretty sure SimMechanics does not have a feature that can handle inverse dynamics, however, I am curious if anyone has an idea of a way to model inverse dynamics in Simulink or MATLAB or if there was an update to the 2013 version from 2011 that made inverse dynamics possible?
Thank you for your time.

Best Answer

SimMechanics First Generation can handle inverse dynamics (specifying motion and measure force/torques).
Since R2012a, SimMechanics Second Generation exists, but does not support inverse dynamics up to R2013a. We are working hard to make inverse dynamics available as soon as possible.