MATLAB: Interpolate a 1024×116 Matrix to a 1024×1024 Matrix


I have an array of 116 curves (columns) with 1024 data points (rows) each. What I would like to do is expand the matrix to include the curves at the intermediate values between the 116 curves. Which interpolation function should I use, interp1() or interp2()?

Best Answer

Assuming the curves are independent of each other, use interp1()
x = 1:116;
c1 = randn(1,116);
c2 = rand(1,116)*5;
y = linspace(-5,5,1024) .';
curves = c2 .* exp(c1.*y - (y-2).^2);
imagesc(x, y, curves)
xq = linspace(1, 116, 1024);
curves2 = interp1(x, curves.', xq) .';
imagesc(xq, y, curves2)