MATLAB: Diameter of image (1024×1024 logical value)

diameterImage Processing ToolboximshowMATLABpolarplot

Hello I have a 104×1024 logical.
when i use imshow(figure) to display it, it looks something like this
how do i get the diameter calculated?
i had already thought about the area but i don't know how.
this is an edited polar plot image
Thanks a lot

Best Answer

You can get the Equivalent Circular Diameter from regionprops(). This is the diameter of the blob if you were to smoosh and mold that same shape into a perfectly circular shape. In other words, the diameter of a perfect circle with the same number of pixels as your irregularly shaped blob.
props = regionprops(mask, 'EquivDiameter');
% Extract it from the structure into a simple variable.
ecd = props.EquivDiameter % This is the "Equivalent Circular Diameter".