MATLAB: “insfilter” inbuilt function error in Matlab 2018b

Automated Driving Toolboxinertial sensor fusionMATLABsensor fusionSensor Fusion and Tracking Toolboxtracking toolbox

I am woking with Matlab 2018b. Installed with Sensor fusion and Tracking Toolbox and Automated Driving Toolbox.
Considering the examples on the Matlab website
The inbuilt function "filt = insfilter" does work with two examples
nhFilter = insfilter('NonholonomicHeading',true, ...
filter = insfilter
The other examples doesn't work.
Is it possible to reinstall the Toolbox on Matlab 2018b or any other solution so that all examples can work on matlab version 2018b?
or the rest of examples are only available in the new version of 2019a??
filter = insfilter("errorstate")
filter = insfilter("asyncimu")
nhFilter = insfilter('NonholonomicHeading',true, ...
'Magnetometer',false, ...
'AsyncIMU',false, ...
Thank you very much in advance.

Best Answer

Use the local documentation of your Matlab installation to find out, which features are available. Using examples from another Matlab release can cause confusions. Do these examples occur, if you type:
doc insfilter