MATLAB: MPU-6050 accelerometer reading of one direction

arduinoimuMATLABmpu6050orientationsquaternionsrotationsSensor Fusion and Tracking Toolboxsensors

I am using these line of code to continuously read the real-time acceleration values from the IMU(MPU-6050):
a = arduino('COM5','Uno','Libraries',{'I2C','SPI'});
imu = mpu6050(a,'SampleRate',50,'SamplesPerRead',5,'ReadMode','Latest');
accelReadings = readAcceleration(imu);
It will returns one sample of the acceleration data on x, y, and z axes read from the sensor in units of m/s2 like this:
accelReadings =
-2.3399 -0.5377 3.0201
Is there any possible way for me to retrive only the value of the x axis (the first value only)? I tried to treat it as an array but it is not working.
Also, can I fuse the data (estimate the orientation, quaternion, determine roll, pitch and yaw angles) of this type of this 6DOF sensor(MPU6050) as there is no magnetometer?

Best Answer

accelReadings(1) should give you the x values. If you have a license for Sensor Fusion and Tracking toolbox or Navigation toolbox, try using read() for more capabilities. For usage and examples, please refer link for read() .
If you have the above-mentioned licenses, you can use imufilter to determine orientation.'imufilter' uses only accelerometer and gyroscope values. Refer to the example here.
Hope this helps
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