MATLAB: Inserting variable answers in cells

cell arrays

Trying to insert the numerical value of a variable:
syms x y z
e1 = 2*x+z == 2;
e2 = 2*y+z == 7.52;
e3 = (z/(x+y+z))*(3.76/4.76)^(-1/2)*(1/4.76)^(-1/2) == 0.0244;
[x,y,z] = vpasolve([e1, e2, e3], [x,y,z]);
l = num2cell(x);
m = num2cell(y);
n = num2cell(z);
I = cell(3,4);
I{1,1} = ' ';
I{1,2} = 'a';
I{1,3} = 'b';
I{1,4} = 'c';
I{2,1} = 'Moles';
I{3,1} = 'Mole Fraction';
I{2,2} = l;
The output of that looks like this:
So how may I have it so that the value of 'x' shows up in the 2v2 cellarray

Best Answer

What do you want to do?
Part of the problem is that ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ do not exist in your workspace.
If you want to put ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ in ‘I’, do something like this:
I = cell(3,4);
I{1,1} = ' ';
I{1,2} = double(x);
I{1,3} = double(y);
I{1,4} = double(z);
I{2,1} = 'Moles';
I{3,1} = 'Mole Fraction';
I{2,2} = l;