MATLAB: Matrix contain index track

MATLABmatrix operationoperations

Hi, all.
Is it possible to put a matrix with a index array in matlab
like and after some operations, I would like to have
which is a incresing matrix.
Thank you so much

Best Answer

The only way I'm aware of you have arrays within another indexed structure is to use cells. I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but something like this should get you started:
I{1,1} = [1,3];
I{2,1} = [2,3];
I{1,2} = [1,4];
I{2,2} = [2,4];
This builds your initial cell array. Do what you want after that. Note that when using cells, the individual arrays are not linked by any means, so they can be different sizes and contain completely different data. You will have to control how each array grows and changes.