MATLAB: Inserting long xtick label

inserting long xtick label

I wanted to insert long time series of xticklabel for my plot.
I tried manually using:
set(gca, 'xticklabels' ,{'1/1/1990', '1/2/1990', '3/1/1990', . . . since the date length is long (15 years) i could not type all time series. so what is the short cut to inser this xtick?
Thank you

Best Answer

Don't label manually at all; use a datetime variable for the x-axis variable in plot() and you'll get datetime ticklabels automagically.
t=1:4383; t=t.';t=t-t(1); % number days vector
Qobs=randn(size(t)); % dummy data to match
ts1 = timeseries(Qobs,t); % create the ts object
ts1.TimeInfo.Format='mmmyy'; % bug/implementation issue -- uses datenum() strings internally
xl=xlim; % retrieve xlimits
xl(2)=xl(2)+days(1); % make RH axis end at 1/1 next year
xlim(xl) % update xlim, now draws last tick label
Finish up as desired.
Not knowing what X is, no way to know what to do about adding a bar plot at this point...
NB: The bug/implementation snafu on the TS date format string. Setting it to 'MMMyy' as is correct for datetime object produced warning/error when tried to plot as
>> plot(ts1)
Error using matlab.internal.datetime.cnv2icudf (line 157)
Unrecognized minute format. Format: MMMyy.
Error in timeseries/plot (line 142)
datetimeTickFormat = matlab.internal.datetime.cnv2icudf(char(h.TimeInfo.Format));
Cap-M is minute field for datenum variables, NOT datetime class which is what the timeseries and new-fangled DatetimeRuler object is for the datetime aware plot functions. In fact, after the plot() line above,
>> hAx.XAxis
ans =
DatetimeRuler with properties:
Limits: [Jan 01, 2000 Jan 01, 2012]
TickValues: [Jan 01, 2000 Jan 01, 2002 Jan 01, 2004 Jan 01, 2006 Jan 01, 2008 Jan 01, 2010 Jan 01, 2012]
TickLabelFormat: 'MMMyy'
Show all properties
shows it was converted.