MATLAB: Insert Degree Symbol in Axes Title


Anyone know how to display the degree symbol ° in the title on a plot? Also want to know how to display it on the top of the figure.
set (Handle3, 'NumberTitle', 'Off', 'Name', 'Slice profile for a 20^{\circ} sinc pulse ');
axis auto;title('Slice profile for a 20^{\circ} sinc pulse ');

Best Answer

You can create any character by finding its Unicode value and converting that number into a character, using the “char” function. Then you can add that character to any character vector or string.
For example, the number 176 is the Unicode value that denotes the degree symbol. You can convert 176 to a character and add it to your text.
title(['Slice profile for a 20' char(176) ' sinc pulse'])
Setting the figure title is similar, but you have to set the 'Name' property. You might want to turn the 'NumberTitle' off too.
figure('Name', ['Slice profile for a 20' char(176) ' sinc pulse'], 'NumberTitle', 'off')
The list of all Unicode characters is very large. For more information, including the numeric values of Unicode characters, see: