MATLAB: Inner matrix must agree using *


when attempting to execute this code I get the following error, can anyone tell me why and how to resolve it, thanks
A= poly(1j*wc*exp((1j*pi)/((2*k)*(2*k-1))))
Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Lab_03 (line 29) A= poly(1j.*wc.*exp((1j.*pi)./((2.*k)*(2.*k-1))))

Best Answer

The poly function wants a vector of roots from which to create a polynomial. I have no idea what the sizes of your arguments (variables) are, so assuming they are all otherwise compatible, (have the same numbers of elements), vectorising the assignment seems the logical direction to go (assuming also that 1j indicates the imaginary operator):
A = poly(1j*wc.*exp((1j*pi)./((2*k).*(2*k-1))))
If that doesn’t work, please provide more information, particularly the sizes of ‘wc’ and ‘k’.
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