MATLAB: Initialize a field in all elements of a struct array


I'm looking for a "one-liner" for initialization of a certain field in an existing struct array. I know that I may achieve this by calling struct(somefiledname,values), or something similar) but I want to initialize all of these additional fields for an existing array of structs, without changing the existing fields.
For example- I have a(1).field1=1; a(2).field1=2; a(3).field1=3;
and I want a one-liner which will add an additional field- "field2" to the "a" struct array (possibly- all ones, all zeros etc.).
Any such shortcut? Or the only way is to iterate through the array?

Best Answer

[a.field2] = deal(1);
Or if you have multiple items to use:
C = {1,2,3};
[a.field2] = C{:};