MATLAB: Include gui panel into another gui panel…

gui panels

Dear all,
I've got different GUIs, each opening in their own figure. I would like to have a kind of "master GUI" that would open, on demande, the different GUIs, but including them into a subpanel of the "master GUI". For instance, an application will need two of the subGUIs while another one only one, so I don't need to open all of them all the time.
Is there a (nice) way to do it ?

Best Answer

This is easy enough if you use programmatic GUIs, but not if you do your GUIs in GUIDE.
Numerous of my GUIs I do programmatically using classes where I will quite often have one class for each panel (or an object for each panel at least, if panels are repeated).
I also use the GUI Layout Toolbox which you can find on Mathworks File Exchange which makes it easier to position these programatically. This way I can just load up an object of whatever panel class I want into different GUIs for a modular approach.
is the version of GUI Layout toolbox for versions of Matlab before R2014b.
is the version for R2014b and later.
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