MATLAB: Importing text files into matlab in order to manipulate the data

MATLABtext file

Hi All,
I am very new to coding and so am having particular issues regarding importing text files to matlab so I can manipulate the data.
There are 113 text files each contain public information about a company in the following format
the numbers represent certain characteristics. All the text files have eight numbers and the format is the same for them all.
I need to be able to create a table with all of the information together and then be able to analyse the data. My mine concern at the moment is importing all the data into one table that I can then work off.
Some of the coding I have used involved the use of 'dir' but the result of this is that it just tells me how many text files I have.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

Best Answer

For each file name that is found use
fid = fopen(CompleteFileName, 'rt');
datacell = textscan(fid, '%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f', 'Delimiter', ',');
Then datacell{1} would be a cell array of strings that held the first column, datacell{2} would be a numeric column vector holding the second column, and so on through datacell{9} holding the 8th numeric column.
Here CompleteFileName is the fully qualified file name you extracted by using dir() and fullfile