MATLAB: Read multiple text files as separate matrices

import multiple text filesscript

I have multiple text files and i want to import each of them as separate data (the number of text files is changing) I have taken some help from the previously asked question and written a small code but i am not being able to import any data. I have attached the text file and the code. I will really appreciate any help i this regard.
input_folder = 'T:New\files';
files = dir(fullfile(input_folder, '*.txt'));
file_paths = fullfile({files.folder}, {});
for i = 1 : numel(file_paths)
format = '%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f';
data = textscan(file_paths{i}, format,'headerlines', 7);

Best Answer

The textscan function requires either an fid as input, or a character array. Your code doesn't actually read the data from the file, but from the file name.
It will also overwrite the variable data every file.