MATLAB: Import range of files based on file name

condition based importingfilenameimport filesMATLABrange

I have a folder containing around 300,000 files. I don't need to import all the files.
Problem: How can I import a range of files based on specific file name?
This is an extension on the problem I asked in another post, link:
Problem example:
In the picture below I have a section of the files, which are all in the same folder. I only want to import the .data files. But I don't need all the .data files to be import only the last 5 of every serie.
Up until now I have the following code (thanks to Stephen Cobeldick):
% Select only .data file from the last time step of each simulation
Folder = uigetdir;
files = dir(fullfile(Folder,'*.data*'));
spl = regexp({},'\.data\.','split','once');
spl = vertcat(spl{:});
vec = str2double(spl(:,2));
[~,idx] = sort(vec);
[~,idy,idz] = unique(spl(idx,1),'last');
out = {files(idx(idy)).name};
expData = cell(length(out),1);
for i = 1:length(out)
fid = fopen(fullfile(Folder,out{i}),'r');
%% Reading the data
% Read all the data from the file
dataRead = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f','HeaderLines',1);
This code only extracts the last .data file of every serie, but as I explained I want to have the last 5 files of every serie.

Best Answer

Acknowledging there are a lot of ways to do this, here's how I thought to do it. It borrows from the code you've shared.
% Select only .data file from the last time step of each simulation
Folder = "datafiles";
files = dir(fullfile(Folder,'*.data*'));
spl = regexp({},'\.data\.','split','once')';
% Convert the cell to a table so that you can sort and group two different data types
tbl = splitvars(cell2table(spl),1,"NewVariableNames",["Name","Ext"]);
tbl.Ext = str2double(tbl.Ext);
% this gives you the unique experiments and the last extension in the series
exp = groupsummary(tbl,"Name","max","Ext");
for n = 1:height(exp)
for i = 4:-1:0
% Use the Name and Ext values to rebuild the file names
fid = fopen(fullfile(Folder,exp.Name(n)+".data." + string(exp.max_Ext(n)-i)))
% Read all the data from the file
dataRead = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f','HeaderLines',1);