MATLAB: Import Multiple Text Files into multiple arrays

cell to arrayimportimport text file

I have 62 flies – each file has 4 columns containing variable number of rows (between 226-300 rows). The number of rows corresponds to the number of raindrops. The first column is the X coordinate of the start of the raindrop, the second column is theh Y coordinate of the start of the raindrop. The last two columns are the X and Y coordinates of the end of the raindrop. The data is decimals
The files all have the same start to the name 'XYpoints_timeFromDeparture_Z.txt' where Z is 0,30,60 etc all the way to 1830
I need to find a way, using a for loop, to import all the data – then each file needs to put the data from cells into arrays.
This is how I did it for one file:
fileName = 'XYpoints_timeFromDeparture_0.txt';
fileID = fopen(fileName);
XXYY = textscan(fileID,'%f %f %f %f'); % puts the data into cells

A = cell2mat(XXYY) % cell to array

we have XXYY which is a 1×4 array. Each cell is a vector (Xa, Ya, Xb, Yb)
What I need to do is make a an array as a 62×1. Each cell needs to have the XXYY which then has the vector per cell.
I tried using this code.
for i = 0:30:1830
fileName ='XYpoints_timeFromDeparture_%d.txt', i;
fileID = fopen(fileName);
XXYY = textscan(fileID,'%f %f %f %f'); % puts the data into cells
A = cell2mat(XXYY) % cell to array
Doing this, gets me the error using textscan

Best Answer

D = 'path to the directory where the files are saved';
V = 0:30:1830;
N = numel(V);
C = cell(1,N);
for k = 1:N
F = sprintf('XYpoints_timeFromDeparture_%d.txt',V(k));
[fid,msg] = fopen(fullfile(D,F),'rt');
C(k) = textscan(fid,'%f%f%f%f', 'CollectOutput',true);
All of the imported data will be in the cell array C: