MATLAB: Import data with several sheets

data importimportimporting excel data

Dear All,
I have a 2464×2464 matrix for 14 years saved in an excel file. Each working sheet represent one year including the same matrix, such that the data points change over time. I do not have specific time variables included, just the data. How i can import the whole matrix and make Matlab understand it such that i can use the matrix and calculate the development of the rows over time without creating 14 datasets?
Thanks in Advance

Best Answer

hello Victoria
happy new year first !
this little piece of code will import evry sheet and stack the data , I assumed you want to have them stacked vertically
it assumes the number of columns are the same in every sheet
% Importing Data from excel across multiple sheets and filenames.
filename = 'file.xlsx';
data_all = [];
for k=1:numel(sheet_name)
% stack data vertically
data_all = [data_all ; data];