MATLAB: How to read all sheets from an excel and output them

multiple sheets in excelread from {}

I have an excel file that contains multiple sheets, each of them is 44*16. I used the following code to read the multiple sheets:
for k=1:numel(sheet_name)
This code gives me sheet_name=1*8 cell, this includes the names of my sheets in this excel file, each of them looks shows as {44*16 double}. Then I want to read all the data from each sheet and plot them into one figure. I would like to know how should I read the data in from {sheet_name}. And I want to plot the figure using the "for" loop.
Thanks for helping.

Best Answer

Your code above already reads the data from all the sheets, i.e. data{1} contains the data from the first sheet, ..., data{8} contains the data from the 8th sheet.
To plot the data, add "figure;hold on" prior to your for-loop and then use plot() inside your for-loop. Reference the data as data{k}(row_index, col_index).