MATLAB: Imcompatibility with matlab 2015

guiMATLABproperty erroruitabgroup

I have a Matlab project which works perfectly in Matlab 2010. Now I change Matlab 2010 (32bit) with Matlab 2015 (64bit).
I made a Gui using a uitabgroup, but now when I want to use that, Matlab gives me this error:
There is no SelectionChangeFcn property on the TabGroup class.
The error is in the next line:
myhandles.hTabGroup = uitabgroup(hfig,'SelectionChangeFcn',@panelAction);
I read the documentation about matlab 2015 and there is the selectionChangeFcn property on the uitabgroup properties.
I don`t know what I am doing wrong. Thanks.

Best Answer

Finally i change from matlab 2015a to matlab 2014b.