MATLAB: Uibuttongroup with radiobuttons with GUIDE


I'm familiar with programming a uibuttongroup with radiobuttons manually using the SelectionChangeFcn of the uibuttongroup. Now I have inherited a GUI which was created using GUIDE and I tried to implement a uibuttongroup with radiobuttons there. However, I cannot find the Property SelectionChangeFcn of the uibuttongroup in GUIDE to write a Callback function für the radio buttons.
Can anybody please give me a hint how to do this with GUIDE? The only solution I have come up with so far is to set the SelectionChangeFcn in the OpeningFcn of the GUI – but I can't believe that this is the "usual" way to do it.
I work with MATLAB R2010b.

Best Answer

that is wierd how the SelectionChnageFcn doesn't show up in the property inspector. If you add a uibuttongroup, or have one already, right click on it and select "View Callbacks". The SelectionChangeFcn appears there.