MATLAB: Image Quality Decrease and pixelated

imageImage Processing Toolbox

The quality of the image decrease when I read and display out in matlab, please advice.
The below are the commands that I had used: imread,imshow
Image Info: Format:JPEG Dimension:1,434 x 1,014 Size:487KB

Best Answer

I don't know what Adam does with imshow() but it works fine for me and is my preferred method, unlike imagesc() which applies some colormap that you didn't ask for. Don't use pcolor - that's even worse. Anyway, why do you say the image quality decreases. Show me a screenshot of the image in imshow() and in some other program (like paint or Photoshop) so I can see why you think it's worse. It should display it exactly as it was stored on disk, just magnified or demagnified for display of course. Of course you may have stored a horrible image where you jpegged the heck out of it and it shows up with horrendous jpeg block artifacts, but that would be present in any program that displays it.