MATLAB: 16bit TIFF images generated by ImageJ appear black in MATLAB

image acquisitionimage processingimagejtiff

I have a database of 16bit TIFF images generated in ImageJ that I need to process in MATLAB. Apparently ImageJ is doing something to the image which makes it look almost completely black outside the framework of ImageJ (including MATLAB or any conventional viewer).
Moreover, if I open these TIFF images in ImageJ and then save them as JPEG, it suddenly opens normally outside the framework of ImageJ. But this doesn't solve the problem since JPEG loses information and since it is not practical to implement for a large amount of images.
Here you can find a sample TIFF & JPEG pair: TIFF: JPEG:
EDIT: please use these links. they do not change the format of the image: TIFF: JPEG:
You can see that the TIFF image looks almost completely black, but if you open both the TIFF and the JPEG in ImageJ, they look the same.
What I need is the MATLAB code that converts the TIFF image generated by ImageJ, to a "real" TIFF that can be processed by MATLAB without changing\losing any information.

Best Answer

It worked!
Thanks a lot Walter Roberson.
The full general solution:
% use imfinfo('filename.tif') and strfind to find the minimum (m) and maximum (M) pixel values defined by ImageJ.
Im(find(Im < m)) = m;
Im(find(Im > M)) = M;
Im = (double(Im)-m) / M;
Or, if you just want to display the image: