MATLAB: I’m getting Error using ga (line 305) help me

error using ga (line 305)ga

Objective function
function z=my_fun(x)
constrain function
function [c]=const(x)
main script
clear all
LB=[6 2 2];
UB=[100 4 4];
[x, fval]=ga(my_fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],LB,UB,@const)
when excecuted getting error
Error using ga (line 305)
Tenth input argument must be a valid structure created with GAOPTIMSET.
Error in start (line 6)
[x, fval]=ga(@my_fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],LB,UB,@const)
please help me by necessary changes to coding..

Best Answer

Arunachalam - the error message is telling you that the tenth parameter/argument to the ga function is not the options object that should be created with the gaoptimset function. Instead, the tenth argument corresponds to UB, the array of upper bounds. If you look at the documentation for ga you will not that you are passing too many input parameters/arguments for what you have in mind. Your call to ga should be reduced to (according to the 2015a documentation)
x = ga(@my_fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,@const);
Note that you may also want to review the nonlcon documentation as it would appear that this function (your const) should return two outputs).