MATLAB: If Statement not working


I am new to matlab and have a very, very basic issue. This is a simplified function, but it illustrates the problem I have in my other function.
Matlab seems to bypass my if conditions. Here is the function:
function y = functry(x)
Speed = 100;
if (x> 100)
Speed = 50;
y = Speed * x;
However, the Speed is taken to be 100 even when I input a high range, for example:
y_try = functry(1:150)
plot(1:150, y_try)
Here is still get a linear plot and no change for the Speed when x>100.
Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

Best Answer

If x is a vector then the line
if (x> 100)
does not work as expected. The correct syntax is
function y = functry(x)
Speed1 = 100;
Speed2 = 50;
mask = x > 100;
y = (~mask)*Speed1.*x + mask*Speed2.*x;