MATLAB: See a 2d plane from a 3d image

2d plottinimage analysisImage Processing Toolboxplotting

The code to form a sphere of 100x100x10 pixels is the following
imageSizeX = 100;
imageSizeY = 100;
imageSizeZ = 100;
[X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(1:imageSizeX, 1:imageSizeY, 1:imageSizeZ);
% Next create the circle in the image.
centerX = 50;
centerY = 50;
centerZ = 50;
radius = 25;
circlePixels = (Z-centerZ).^2 + (Y-centerY).^2 + (X-centerX).^2 <= radius.^2;
I would like to visualize a horizontal plane 2d in some position z of the sphere in a square of 100×100 pixels, obviously this image would be a circle.
How would that be done, thank you very much.

Best Answer

Try slice().
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