MATLAB: If I have a matrix My matrix is: BB = [-1 5 6;4 -3 2;5 6 -7]. How to print only positive values using a while loop

if statementMATLABmatrixwhile loop

How to print single values of a matrix in matlab. I am using a while loop to read the matrix and print only positive values using an if condition. But with all my trials, it matlab always ignores the if conditions and displays all the values. Is there a way to force to print only the specific values.

Best Answer

>> BB(BB>0)'
ans =
4 5 5 6 6 2
if you must use a loop:
ii = 1;
BB = [-1 5 6;4 -3 2; 5 6 1 -7];
n = numel(BB);
while ii <= n
ii = ii + 1;