MATLAB: Dynamically arrange the matrix in each for loop


I have two matrix a = [3 5 6 7] and b = [2 4 6 1; 5 7 8 9]. I need to dynamic arrange the matrix b when the position of a is changing.
For example,
First loop, a = [3 5 6 7]
b = [2 4 6 1
5 7 8 9]
But at the second loop, the position for b is changed a = [7 3 5 6]
b = [1 2 4 6
9 5 7 8]
and so on for the subsequent loop. Is this possible to happen? Thank you.

Best Answer

Definitely possible.
a = [3 5 6 7];
b = [2 4 6 1; 5 7 8 9];
for ii = 1:4
% do_stuff(a,b);
a = [a(end) a(1:end-1)];
b = [b(:,end) b(:,1:end-1)];