MATLAB: IF cell of a dataset equal to text

datasetequal to textif

Hi again.
I have a dataset with 100 rows of data with 4 columns.
I am trying to code the following and would like some help please:
For each row
If Table1.column1 = 'FOREX' (which is a string) and Table1.column4 < 0
then return Table1.column3 in Table1.column2
If Table1.column1 = 'FOREX' (which is a string) and Table1.column4 >=0
then return Table1.column2 = (1% of Table1.column3) + Table1.column4

Best Answer

One (of many) way(s) to write it...
ix=strcmp(T.c1,'FOREX') & T.c4<0;
ix=strcmp(T.c1,'FOREX') & T.c4>=0;
Names abbreviated to protect...