MATLAB: Split a cell that contains a string


I have a cell u(38,1) each row has string looking like this :
for example u{1,1} = ''198823 765389 white''
u{2,1} = ''198426 725312 black''
I want the cell u to be divided in 3 colomns such as
u{1,1} = ''198823'' u{1,2}= ''765389'' u{1,3}=''white''
u{2,1} = ''198426'' u{2,1}= ''725312'' u{2,3}=''black''
so basically I want my u(38,1) to become u(38,3)
I have tried strplit, but it seems like it won't work with a cell,
strplit(u,',') %doesn't work'
strplit(u{1,1},',') %works on the first line and returns a cell (1,3)

Best Answer

Look into cellfun. This will apply a function to each cell in the cell array.
Here's an example of one way of doing this.
u{1,1} = "198823 765389 white";
u{2,1} = "198426 725312 black"
u = 2x1 cell array
{["198823 765389 white"]} {["198426 725312 black"]}
a = 2×3 string array
"198823" "765389" "white" "198426" "725312" "black"