MATLAB: I would like to know how to attribute variable names in a Table

tablevariable names

The problem is the following, I have a fairly big matrix (267 by 9) with data. Through a function I have calculated the basic stats of this collection of data (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, median, maximum and minimum). Now I would like to display the information in a table to have a more clear view of the results. In the MatLab Documentation, this is said about assigning variable names "The variable names that you assign must be valid MATLABĀ® variable names". I don't understand very well what this means. I suppose that the variable names have to be something that MatLab recognizes as a function.
But when I press the 'run section' button it gives me an error saying (invalid parameter name: std)
The code below is what I have written:

Best Answer

T = table(media', desviopadrao', skewness', kurtosis', mediana', maximo', minimo', 'VariableNames', {'mean', 'std', 'skewness', 'kurtosis', 'median', 'max', 'min'} );