MATLAB: Creating table with variable and row names


I am having problems with creating a output table, which for some reason work when i only use one variable, but not when i enter a second one. Code:
mean_rgoog = mean(rgoog);
mean_rm = mean(rm);
std_rgoog = std(rgoog);
std_rm = std(rm);
disp(table(mean_rgoog, mean_rm, 'VariableNames', {'mean'}, 'RowNames', ...
{'mean_rgoog', 'mean_rm'}));
Again, it works if i remove the 'mean_rm' from the 'RowNames'. Anybody knows how to fix this, to make it work with multiple rows?

Best Answer

You're likely getting an error,
Error using table
The RowNames property must contain one name for each row in the table.
It appears you're trying to create a table with 1 column and 2 rows but instead, your table() inputs provide two columns of 1 row of data. Instead, vertically concatenate the two rows of data into 1 column.
table([mean_rgoog; mean_rm], 'VariableNames', {'mean'}, 'RowNames', {'mean_rgoog', 'mean_rm'})