MATLAB: I want to save a mat. file each time the program runs with a different name.

faqprocess a sequence of files

for example, when I run program for the first time i want to save it as ' text1.mat' second time 'text2.mat' etc…

Best Answer

Folder = tempdir; % Define accordingly
FileList = dir(fullfile(Folder, 'text*.mat'));
NewFile = fullfile(Folder, sprintf('text%d.mat', numel(FileList) + 1));
This fails, if you delete some of the files afterwards. Then this helps:
NameList = natsort({});
LastIndex = sscanf(NameList{end}, 'text%d.mat'));
NewFile = fullfile(Folder, sprintf('text%d.mat', LastIndex + 1));
Or prefer:
nowStr = datestr(now, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS');
NewFile = fullfile(Folder, ['text', nowStr, '.mat']);
But remember that this fails, if you create more than 1 file per second or during the change of the daylight-saving-time.
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